So…does anyone else feel like time completely disappears between the beginning of November and January? One frantic baking or food prep session runs right into another…and when I finally find a chance to sit and share this exciting news with you, somehow weeks have gone by in the meantime.
Better luck next year, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“10 Ways to Fake a Professional Edit” Featured on The Creative Penn
ANYWAY, I’m so pleased and honored to (finally) tell you my advice on how to fake a professional edit has been featured once again on Joanna Penn’s excellent blog The Creative Penn—one of the longest-running and most transparent and useful resources for independent authors you’ll find.
(If you aren’t familiar with Joanna, here’s what you need to know: she’s an experienced indie publisher, an incredibly prolific blogger, and a renowned author of several thrillers as well as books on self-publishing and promoting, and if you aren’t following her everywhere, go do it now. I’ll wait.)
Last month, Joanna was kind enough to feature my article, “Writing Tips: 10 Ways To Fake A Professional Edit.” Click the image below to check it out!

“10 Ways To Fake A Professional Edit,” featured on The Creative Penn.
This article is an updated version of a guest post I wrote all the way back in 2013 (and I think it’s even more helpful this time around). I hope you find it useful in your own revision process.
Thank you for sharing my work!
Thanks to Joanna Penn for sharing my tips on how to fake a professional edit, and thanks to everyone who took the time to share this resource with the writers in their lives. Happy revisions, and best wishes!