It’s been a crazy

You guys. Lantern City is so cool.
week, and I wanted to pop in and share a few exciting updates.
1. I’ve been featured in a book!
Author Diana Bocco has put together an e-book called The Broke Entrepreneur: How 20 People Started Successful Businesses for $500 or Less, and chapter 2 is all me. Very exciting!
2. I’ve been featured in an ezine!
I was thrilled to contribute to this week’s edition of Writer’s Weekly, run by Angela Hoy. Yay!
Check out the entire e-zine, or check out my contribution here, and in any case, add this valuable magazine to your list of excellent publishing resources.
3. Bruce Boxleitner is reading a book I edited!
\OK, full disclosure: I’m not 100% certain he’s actually the one narrating . . . but doesn’t this tweet kinda sound like it?
Good Morning, from a sweltering LALA land. Recording the audio version of”Rise”today,inside dark, cool studio.@LanternCityTV . 🙂 — Bruce Boxleitner (@boxleitnerbruce) August 29, 2013
The book is RISE: A Lantern City Illustrated Novel by Matthew James Daley, and it is amazing.
[Update: That is indeed what he meant! Check it out on Audible. Word.]4. Echo Prophecy is kicking ass!
The lovely and talented Lindsey Fairleigh published her excellent sci-fi/romance (which I was lucky enough to copyedit) earlier this month to stellar reviews. It’s an absolutely amazing read, and I highly recommend it to anyone.
Want to pick up a copy? It’s available on Amazon in print and Kindle versions, and it is exactly what you want for your next evening in. Do it.
Well, that’s it for my exhilarating week!
In fact, it’s been so exhilarating a week that I’m taking off early. The boss says it’s okay. 😉 Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone!